
Actual information from EFPM


"Dear friends, I am here with you on behalf of the Italian Fair Play Committee, of which I am President, but above all on behalf of the President of the European Fair Play Movement, Philippe Housiaux.

Fair play, as respect for the rules, for oneself, for others, for the environment in which we live and much more, promotes that concept of loyalty, of fair play, which originates from the thought of William Shakespeare and is found in the sporting world a fundamental bank, for the values it represents and promotes. The European and Italian fair play movements were both born thirty years ago, on the basis of an experience born in Panathlon International and made official in the seventies by the International Fair Play Committee in concert with the International Olympic Committee. Obviously, the ETHICAL TRANSITION and the "right to joy" do not ignore peace and therefore the inspiring principles of the "OLYMPIC TRUE", all substantial elements that support the activities of the forty-one national committees of the European area. In support of this vast organization, which aims at the educational goal as a different quality of social relationships and mental and physical well-being, the European Fair Play Movement has created a PERPETUAL FAIR PLAY CALENDAR, dedicating every day of the year to fair play with different reasons. Being fair play three hundred and sixty-five times also involved Berit Reiss-Andersen, President of the Committee that awards the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE and who received the FAIR PLAY FOR PEACE Award last September 7th in Brussels. Obviously EAS (European Athlete Student) is involved in all this as it is officially a member of the European Fair Play Movement. Finally, a necessary underlining, relating to the Gaeta venue for your Congress, which strategically makes use of the University of Cassino and its CUS, where Pietro Mennea, athlete, multi-graduate and European parliamentarian, was trained in the logic of a multi-purpose career, also making use of the extraordinary synergy with the National School of Athletics and Sports in nearby Formia, as an extraordinary opportunity born from the intuition of a great Italian sports manager, Bruno Zauli. In conclusion, I take this opportunity to recall that a year ago in Rome, in the Campidoglio, with the organization of CNIFP and EFPM, we celebrated an event on the theme "Gender Equality in Sport" in which EAS took a particularly active part. On that occasion, Professor Laura Capranica, whom I greet, signed the collaboration protocol that unites us with President Housiaux. Now, the desire to spread the 365 ideas contained in the Perpetual Calendar to all students of the Dual Career network, to join us in streaming for the next conference on November 23 in Baku related to « Fair Play and Racism », to develop Dual together Career, its network and EFPM a way to «teach» how to promote those FP values in their courses.

Therefore, congratulations for the magnificent work you do and best wishes for the future, because the educational role to be played in the sports field and in schools of all levels, up to the University, is fundamental for our better future."

