The "6th World Fair Play Day" took place on Thursday 7 September 2023 at the Sala Montelupo in Domagnano San Marino with a large participation of the public which was sold out. The evening opened with the notes of the Hymns of San Marino, EFPM, CNIFP and the San Marino Fair Play Committee which were followed by institutional greetings from the CNSFP President Gian Battista Silvagni, from the Secretary of State for Sport Teodoro Lonfernini, from the CONS Stefano Piva, the Captain of Castello di Domagnano Marcello Andreani, the Councilor for Sport and Facilities of the Municipality of Procida Carmine Sabia, the CSPC Secretary Diego Renzi and the official representative of the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) Katarina Raczova member of the Executive Committee and President of the Jury of the EFPM Fair Play Awards.

A very engaging evening which enthralled and involved the audience present and the winners of the sixth edition who appreciated the report by Prof. Gennaro Testa of the University of Florence on the theme: "Game and sport not just muscles and lungs" with a brilliant report with slides and videos. The official presentation to the Republic of San Marino of the International Fair Play Passport which the Professor from Florence illustrated to those present underlining the aims and purposes of the Project he conceived and which was physically delivered to the Secretary of Lonfernini State, to the CNSFP President Silvagni and to the testimonials Alessandra Perilli and Massimo Bonin, Passport which will then have to continue the journey and delivered to the various entities of San Marino. The rich program continued with the awards ceremony for the different categories of the 2023 Fair Play Awards, a traditional custom that rewards those who have distinguished themselves in sport and in life inspired by ethical values and the principles of Fair Play. The performance by the students of the San Marino Musical Institute was also very welcome. The evening was conducted with elegance and style by the CNSFP Speakers Maria Rita Morganti and Patrizia Levorato with the support of the Technical Director Diego Renzi on the computer.


San Marino National Fair Play Committee – CNSFP

San Marino Pierre de Coubertin Committee – CSPC

