The EFPM Award Jury has given its decision

The EFPM Award Jury, consisting of Katarina Raczova, Biserka Vrbek, Baiba Veisa and Kveta Peckova, under the leadership of Mirosav Cerar, has decided to award several personalities for their behaviors this year.


The European Fair Play Plaque of Merit and Diploma

made under the auspices of the European Olympic Committees for an individual goes to:

Štefan Svitko (SVK) for exemplary behavior inspired by the values of humanism and Fair Play


The European Fair Play Diplomas

made under the auspices of the European Olympic Committees for individual go to:


Sevim Güllü (TUR) – for promotion of the importance of the ethics in sports


Alexander Sobolev (RUS) - for a remarkable act of Fair Play


The EFPM “Spirit of Fair Play” Award goes to:


Demba Be - the French-born Senegalese professional footballer on behalf of all athletes, who stand against discrimination and racism on the field and in everyday life


The European Fair Play Special Award goes to


Simon Kjær (DEN) - for his exemplary leadership and act of humanism, responsibility, and team spirit


The EFPM “Fair Play Flame” Award (to an athlete or a team under 18) goes to:


Žiga Lin Hočevar (SLO) - for a remarkable gesture of Fair Play


Congratulations to your well-deserved awards!

The laureates will be notified when and where the award ceremony will take place.

