EFPM GA 2022 scheduled ON JUNE 1

As you have already been aware of, the EFPM has been operating since last February under its new Statutes and the Belgian law. According to the new regulations, the annual General Assembly has to take place within the first semester of each year. 

Therefore, the EFPM Executive Committee decided to organise the 2022 General Assembly on the 1st of June 2022 in Brussels under the title "Joyous entry of the EFPM in the heart of Europe" and with the live presence of all of you if possible. So, please SAVE THE DATE  and try to be there as the main issues of the Agenda will be the presentation of the "New" EFPM and the discussions with you on the major theme "how to develop concretely action plans with the Institutions already members of the EFPM". The final details of the event together with the Agenda will be communicated to you till the end of April.

