The Third Joint Staff Training of the Erasmus + SFY - Skills For Youth project took place in Riga, Latvia, from April 27th to 30th  2022, coordinated by the Italian National Fair Play Committee.

The training had as its theme "Promoting youth empowerment through the values of Fair Play". During the meeting, the partner organizations had the opportunity to exchange information on youth activities at the local level and the youth workers received training on innovative techniques for the design of activities for youth empowerment through Fair Play.

In particular, the training saw the realization of a lesson on article 9 of the Fair Play Charter "Helping every sportsman in difficulty" by the member of the National Executive Council of the CNIFP Claudio Perazzini, taking as an example of Fair Play the friendship between the boxers Nino Benvenuti and Emile Griffith.

The Vice-president of the European Fair Play Movement Baiba Veisa then spoke about the social role of Fair Play and the commitment of the EFPM in promoting its values at the level of civil society, especially among young people. The EFPM representative stressed how important it is to use informal methodologies for the transmission of Fair Play to young people outside the sports and school sectors.

The intervention of the EFPM vice-president confirmed the institutional interest aroused by the Skills For Youth project, which is the first initiative aimed at transmitting practical tools to youth organizations for promoting the values of Fair Play as an educational and social tool. Furthermore, the exchange of information and direct contact between participants and stakeholders at an international level is one of the objectives of the SFY project and fundamental in achieving the final results.

The event had the hoped-for success and all participants actively contributed to the creation of a draft project for activities aimed at youth empowerment, carried out through brainstorming and group working methodologies. The application of Fair Play has seen particular attention placed on Rule 9 of the Fair Play Charter, where "supporting those in difficulty" is understood in a social sense as the reduction of inequalities and support for those in difficulty to encourage participation. to empowerment initiatives.

The Project will see its conclusion in May 2022, with a last Transnational Meeting of the Project Staff to be held in Alghero (Italy) from May 26th to 29th 2022.

The SFY - Skills For Youth Project is funded by the 2014-2020 Erasmus + Program through the Italian National Youth Agency.

