Plant Your tree for Fair Play


International Fair Play Committee (CIFP) in order to protcet environment, raise awareness for peacful living and join joyful community programme, invites its members to join initiative and plant Fair Play trees worldwide. 

CIFP president Dr Jeno Kamuti says: "These are difficult times, with bad news almost every day. The past period has highlighted the need for human values and the spirit of Fair Play. It is in this context that I am taking the initiative to draw your attention to the importance of our future, of our children and of the need to take care of our world. Last year, on the occasion of the World Fair Play Day, the International Fair Play Committee planted the first Fair Play Tree in Budapest on 7 September. This Tree symbolizes faith
in the future, protection of our environment and Fair Play values.
We would like to invite your organizations to join us this year and celebrate World Fair Play Day on 7 September with a worldwide collective local tree planting. Let’s join together to commemorate this day in as many places as possible and send a common message to the world:

“We think about our future”.

I would appreciate if you could let me know if you would like to join the action.


