Sign the WFPD Manifesto

Dear Fair Play Family,

As you certainly know, the inauguration of the World Fair Play Day took place on 7 September 2020 in Brussels. The World Fair Play Day is the result of a global partnership between International Fair Play Committee, Panathlon International, European Fair Play Movement and Panathlon Wallonie-Brussels.

The ambition of this Day is to enable the values of Fair-Play and sporting ethics to be understood as a real component of education in and through sport, society and life itself. In line with the recommendations of the International Olympic Committee, the day also contributes to the objectives of the UNESCO International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport and the Council of Europe's European Sports Charter.We would like to invite everyone to contribute to the success of this initiative, therefore: Engage your organization or business to support Fair Play values by signing the World Fair Play Day Manifesto. For more information click on the link:



