The San Marino National Fair Play Committee presented its new projects

The San Marino National Fair Play Committee meets Andrea Belluzzi, Secretary of State for Education and Culture, University and Scientific Research, Youth Policies. The President of the San Marino National Fair Play Committee, Gian Battista Silvagni, accompanied by the Vice - President Maria Rita Morganti, after meeting the Secretary of Sport Teodoro Lonfernini, presented the projects "Champions of Fair Play" and "Class sports" to the Secretary of State for Education, Youth Policies Andrea Belluzzi, on Thursday 6 August 2020, at the Secretariat of State.

In a friendly and collaborative atmosphere, the Secretary Belluzzi listened with interest to the objectives of the project which aim to raise awareness among the population, through the involvement of those who experience sport on a daily basis and the formulation of guidelines for the dissemination of good practices within and off the playing field, giving back to sport and its practice, an importance that goes beyond the competitive result.

The message that the San Marino National Fair Play Committee wants to spread, through the enhancement and support of all the realities and initiatives that already move with this spirit in our territory, the promotion of good practices related to Fair Play, sharing and the networking of principles and values ​​in the culture of Fair Play, the recognition and certification for sports associations already adhering to the principles of Fair Play, is to ensure that the Republic of San Marino is also the country of Fair Play, where we can all become ambassadors of a healthy and fair practice of sport and life, inspired by respect even before success.

